Mandatory Columns for EIM Processing  

Posted by Rajesh

ROW_ID. For an EIM table row to be eligible for processing, you must initialize its ROW_ID. The ROW_ID, in combination with the value of IF_ROW_BATCH_NUM, must yield a unique value. The ROW_ID values in the EIM tables are not the ROW_ID values that are assigned to the row when it is loaded into the base table. An EIM-generated ROW_ID has a ##-###-### format. A regular row ID that is assigned to the row has a #-## format.

IF_ROW_BATCH_NUM. You must set the values in this column to the same integer, greater than or equal to 0, as an identifying number for all rows to be processed as a batch. The maximum value is 2147483647. Use this column as the first key of any new indexes created on an EIM table.

IF_ROW_MERGE_ID. You can set this column to one of two values:
■ NULL: This value identifies the surviving or merged-into-row.
■ROW_ID:This value identifies the ROW_ID number in the EIM table where the row will be

IF_ROW_STAT. EIM updates this column after processing the row to indicate the status of the record. The IF_ROW_STAT column is not used by EIM when determining which rows to process. When populating the EIM tables, you can set this column to any value except NULL. You can initially set this value to FOR_IMPORT to indicate that the row has not been imported. After processing, if certain rows were not imported due to a data error, you should change:
■ IF_ROW_BATCH_NUM value for the rows that require reimporting
■ BATCH line in the configuration file
If EIM updates this column to NOT_ALLOWED after processing a row, EIM has attempted to insert a new row but the action is not allowed. In such cases, the INSERT ROWS parameter may have been set to FALSE.

IF_ROW_STAT_NUM. After processing, this column contains a zero (0) if a row was successfully processed to completion. If processing failed, this column contains the pass number where the pass failed.

This entry was posted on Monday, June 16, 2008 at 3:00 AM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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